Saturday, January 26, 2008

Full Face Scuba Breathing Apparatus

Robot Masters? Foresight

A connoisseur ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Properties On Monopolyaustralian Edition

He went back to reading books and newspapers with increasing frequency and George Orwell's novel 1984.
This is a topic of undoubted relevance: the author imagines In fact, a tyranny based on control and manipulation of information and the most rigid and ruthless repression of all forms of political and intellectual freedom. Sgarra who commits the sin of sins, the "psicoreato," which resulted in social excommunication with dire consequences, final.
"The psicoreato not result in death, it is death."
The character of the story is named Winston Smith, "the last man in Europe", as Orwell at first wanted to call the book. Smith works at the Ministry of Truth, which is committed to "rewrite," according to the needs of the moment, the news about the past, burn the original files and replace them with those 'reworked'.
Smith knew, but maybe it was the only one left to have a historical memory and desire to learn. "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four," she kept repeating. "It was not true, as the chronicles, that the Party had invented airplanes. He reminded them airplanes since the earliest childhood, but could not prove anything. There were no more tests. "
She was tragically alone. The last man to have some shred of knowledge and, above all, to keep some interest.
"But this knowledge, where were you? Only in his consciousness, which in any case would soon be destroyed. E if everyone accepted the lie imposed by the Party, if all the documents tell the same story, that's the lie became a historical fact, so true. "Who controls the past," said the slogan of the Party "controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past "."
The Ministry of Truth was also responsible for drafting the "Newspeak," which consisted of a progressive simplification of the language: more and more limited vocabulary and phraseology of building more and more essential. An ongoing work of scissors: vocabularies with fewer pages. More Newspeak is made thin, easier communications - both public and private - Were controlled. And not only that: "The main goal toward which the Newspeak is to restrict the maximum scope of thought. At the end we will make it psicoreato literally impossible, because there will be no words with which it can express. " The population was divided in two. On the one hand, the majority, "Prole", to which there were no concerns of any kind: neither of them was interested in politics or aspired to careers in power; worked, is distracted with pornography that was Ammann abundance, is fun, procreated, getting drunk, a shapeless mass and impersonal. Prole I could never rebel.
Then there was the wide ruling class who took care of everything, a multitude of bureaucrats and officials framed and very controlled. Through an extensive network of television transmitting each phrase was intercepted, monitored every move, while were incessantly disseminated press releases of the Party. A continuous and relentless indoctrination.
Winston Smith, to write a few lines in a diary, was forced to crouch in a corner behind the screen: the only point of the house where the eye of Big Brother did not come.
As Orwell, with surprising insight, has provided our time will confirm the use of a dictionary today more and more internationalized and thin, widespread phone tapping, faxes, e-mail, the opportunity to use computers as environmental microphones, and still be able to locate a phone, even if turned off, the ease with which one can reconstruct a person's movements and activities through the ATM, credit cards and Telepass. Oceania, the reign of Big Brother - whose capital is London - is in a constant state of war. For the most part a distant war, so much so that Smith often wonders whether it is an actual conflict or just a contrived false information useful to keep in awe the people, ask her sacrifices, her live a united feeling of hatred.
But there are bombs that fall rocket-close and do damage and casualties, and that end to dispel any possible doubt on the existence in most of the enemy. Like today. But "the rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably dropped by the government ocean-ania, to keep people in fear." The awareness of being at war, and therefore in danger, makes the concentration of all power in the hands of a small caste seem the only and unavoidable condition in order to survive. " And again: "No matter what war is really fought for, and as the ultimate victory is impossible, it does not matter if the war goes well or badly, is just a state of war persists." Winston Smith, the character of Orwell's novel, falls in psicoreato: reject approval, wants a private life free, with the woman he loves, even in a dirty room and is uncomfortable, but without controls, and even coming to practice the rebellion. Is discovered, interned, tortured, approved in force. To quell '"last man in Europe', the end is desperate and no return. Winston Smith, before collapsing, said his tormentor: "I do not know, nor care, but you fail in your intent. Something will defeat you. Life will defeat you. " "I know you will fail. Is there anything in the universe ... I do not know, a spirit, a principle ... you will not be able to dominate ... The spirit of Man. " From the site I wanted to mention this analysis of Orwell's book because it binds almost every year hoping that deviates from reality. But never is, is more like, more and more real.
Big Brother, not the television, but the one that controls our lives, exists and is revealed more and more even if we all pretend not to see him, to maintain our perception of reality. Informiamoci more about what is happening. Let us not stop at the front, depth, creiamoci our idea about things. Has not included everything that comes to us from TV and newspapers, at face value. We develop our critical thinking and intuition. If we catch a situation in which something is is most often true. We teach our children to think with his head relished, as free men!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Shot Put Ball Where Can I Buy A Shot Put Ball?

From the best of you

Have the best of you ...
Man is unreasonable, illogical, egocentric
If you do good, may accuse you selfish ulterior motives
If you realize your goals, you will find false friends and true enemies
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable
What we've built for years can be destroyed in an instant
If you help people if they suffer
From 'the world the best you, and you kicked
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tna Wrestling In Singapore

The cat and the fox

I came across this term in the cat and the fox.

I thought they were two fictional characters, but there are, unfortunately, I've met them!

monopolized months of my life, dragging almost collapsed.

Mind you all! If you come across two that are trying to intortarvi with jokes and friendly behavior. Look at them in eyes and trust your instincts:

run screaming!

Men, listen to your women, their feelings of 99.99% of the time is accurate (the remainder are paranoid but most times we're right).

These shady characters, will leave in the seeds of distrust will tend not to trust anyone anymore (if there is still someone who you trust someone!). When

laugh together, not deceived: they're not laughing with you but you.

I do them my compliments. They managed to transform one of the last people dinteressate naive and, in a cautious person. You gave me a life lesson, maybe I deserved to have, not I'll just make the same mistake.

But it is true that everyone has what he deserves. Maybe they will agree to change the district or at least leave the country, because everyone knew them and avoid them. Have you designed a halo around infected. Have you attached a trail behind that read: those who know them, avoid them!

Friday, January 18, 2008

How To Make A Homemade Usb Flash Dongle

Salve Regina! Merry Christmas

Salve Regina! is the prevailing cry.
Obsequious follow you in need of approval.
Dispensaci your valuable advice and do not break down on us your cries fatal.
Stay with us! Give up the bonus, do not abandon us!
We pretend to understand your sudden mood swings. We will
abuse as you wish.
We call on our trade union rights.
We will vote our lives to your will: band with the strong bully the weak. Cancel our lives for you or great. Now here we
prostato at your feet.