Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Peace Symbol And Bedding]

FACE Balaton

face is said to Balaton: who despite having been exposed clearly and unequivocally, not a person, not two, but by a whole district, continues undaunted about to shoot ... fly, to stand or fall to rehabilitate itself from a situation in which he made a figure .....

This individual practice lies and falsehoods, half the world. The exemplary face of Balaton is a very lucky because they always meet people who tend to believe him innocent, because it's great to be come the lucciconi eyes. I wish all the faces of Lake Balaton in the world have always unchanged luck. I wish them to become rich and famous, I'd be the first to feel happiness! But I hope

that this face to stop the Balaton cross my path, as I avoided his cross! As I have avoided speaking ill of him (previously there were no need for his misdeeds were already quite well known, it would be like shooting on the Red Cross), calling it all a nice guy but that our ideas work were different.

But the face of Balaton, without shame, continues to spread insults and do not realize that people already know him and nobody believes him anymore. The face of Balaton makes me very tenderly, there will be reasons why it does so, maybe life was not right with him. But that does not giusitifica his behavior. I could have done so much for put him in serious trouble, and I did not want to do it because it is not from me but I'm getting tired.

They say live and let live. I leave to live and I WANT TO BE LEFT IN PEACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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