Saturday, September 6, 2008

Free Templates For 18th Birthday


Can a person be enmeshed in another to the point of being totally dominated? From her eyes lined not with slices of salami, but with all the legs? I am increasingly disturbed by sfacciatagine of certain people who always manages to fall on his feet, even denying the evidence. And even more surprised by the lack of self-esteem of those who manipulate you to chat and told they no substance. It makes me so tenderly those who pretend not to understand because of fear or comfort. I would never find myself in his shoes, I hope that never happens to me and I wish this person to find true happiness that is far away from them, from the castle of lies which have built around and that she pretended not to see. Look what is beautiful in your life and throw away the rest !!!!!

tiriamoci up with Rieducational channel


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