Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Good Words To Congratulate


on lightness
laugh and laugh at least a little '
Try not to give him reason not blame him
never pray
whispers and rumors big
we can do without
silences too dense
of drums and trumpets of
pathways outlined
with the feathers of boredom
ideas with condom
and hours without air
Because you can still run these days
Because there is no cold and heat
with anesthesia
Dance on heavy
cry and cry if you like
Try to change the lines
redraw the boundaries of good and evil
messiah and we can do without
of silence too long
of drums and trumpets
Tomorrow's designed from the hands of boredom
ideas with condom
in these hours without air
Because you can still run these days
Because there is no cold and heat
with anesthesia

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Make Almond Flour At Home

often turn on ideas with each other, like electric sparks. Friedrich Engels

not know that name has this material.
We only know that 'they threw and to us, it came in rolls and rolls and rolls.
L 'we unrolled, touched, shaped, scratched, cut, re-created.
We gave him a name: luminoplastico.
(Lumino Model of name and surname, of course)
's final effect we like very much, you know ... is almost electromag.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sonix Micro High Definition Earphones

during commercials. The revolutionary

ignite with the words if I could
worn stories of right and wrong
guards burn plan and you laugh
illusion of disillusion
But the house is already Christmas
heroes and we are intermittently
unplug it, believe me
off my patience But I'll wait for the new year
wait that they arrive with their damn catchy choruses
with their beautiful smiles
by prophets or accounting
with new promises to inject
the need to kill us slowly
during commercials
There's no time for excuses
dear friend and is not to distract you write
that if life throws you in the face
or deny
or breathe until the lungs kill
But the house is already Christmas
heroes and we are intermittently
unplug it, believe me
the feast of abundance
wait for the new year
wait that they arrive with their notebooks
only for ideas with acceptable
that their freedom instead of the wings has the alibi
with new items
need to inject
to kill us slowly
during commercials

Authentic Aztec Costume

And once again ... snow.

As expected, this year came the snow in the holidays. ^ _ ^
He wrote more than one person in a variety of forums: a time came flakes and all the windows were wide-eyed in amazement, as happy as children.
a couple of years, unfortunately, about the brilliant minds involved in administering public affairs, just beginning to come down one sounded the alarm ... : P

Better gloss over the blocked roads, and on the hair treatment that every year my town to reserve my neighborhood Suffice it to say that the snow was yesterday, and the roads are still a single slab of snow and ice, without anyone in the past throw salt or raise half of the snowdrifts.

rather speak of the great atmosphere there at night after a snowfall, when everything is silent, as if wrapped nell'ovatta, snow everywhere and the street lights shine.

As usual, this time here is the gallery of the walk at night. :)

Acronis Yukon Lan Drivers For Acronis

Thrashfest 2010 - 15/12/2010 - Estragon (BO)

And finally there was an opportunity to review Kreator, after two Metalcamp where they were headlining, and they have always done amazing performances.

Five hours of thrash metal old-fashioned way, we hope this festival will become a fixture like the Bologna Paganfest.

The audience responded well, since the Estragon was full for a good half, and did not miss anything: circle pit, wall of death, and a moshpit among the largest we've seen in the last local months.

Ah, this time I have to thank my faithful me discover a wine bar for rum special which lacked only the word:)

whole evening was marred by a sound not quite live up to these groups, which hit parts faster (and thrash the pieces are all fast).
It's a pity, because it could really be a memorable event with sounds perfect.

Suicidal Angels good and definitely old school, to be recovered. Death Angel

true protagonist of the evening.
extraordinary stage presence, sound impact on the top of the class.
For me the best performance of the evening, and their best gig of all those I have seen to date.

Exodus have done their usual impeccable concert, penalized only by the sounds, in fact. If you like, and if the monotone vocals of Rob Dukes will not get tired after 5 songs, are to follow and cheer wherever they go. ^ _ ^

Kreator present with ramps on either side of the stage, central battery up, and cloth on the large video projection behind the stage.
The premises are all there to repeat what has been seen to Metalcamp.
bad that sounds, a video quality lower than that projected in Slovenia, the lineup certainly not long, given the late hour did not help.
Great concert, but there was better elsewhere.

We hope that there is a next edition in 2011. :)

Junior High Underwear


As I write the stray cat that has chosen my terrace as his exclusive hunting ground happy if he sleeps in a kind of padded kennel I have had to buy to make it survive the winter without guilt (and in parenthesis the veterinarian in case of illness would cost more: P).

I would love to have two new Doberman to keep me company, as in Rome, but here it is not possible and one must arrange.

This guy just found on Youtube would be my ideal parrot.
What do you say, if they these are around? : P

also added to the original video of the song.

And here's the most beautiful parrot in the world. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Staph Infection Foot Baby


... and just as the 'year is about to close, we open.

Via Bellini 34, Busto Arsizio.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Make Your Own Usb Flash Dongle

The reality is never as seen: the truth is above all imagination. (Magritte)

Generic Sports Quotes

HOW YOU RECOVER a broken record

Who among you has not faded and started in a cold sweat, in front of your favorite record that out of the blue Let us cry biting?

"Hot. Physical. The microgroove analog returns a color and sound quality that, more than a century of innovation, appear to still unmatched . And when, by inevitable fate, our beloved vinyl is cut to the sound of jarring jumps and scratches from quell'accorto, ritual embrace of needle and turntables, and muted, and it is still unquestionably a minimalist aesthetic object from the bewitching charm. how to recover then that our worn-out LP so that kept us company? " Some ideas here.

Our suggestions: the empty

Saturday, December 4, 2010

La Charcuterie Delicatessen


By the way, panties, thong, thong, shorts and Brazilian ... have a common thread: a rubber band.

In the 80s the girls have spent entire afternoons playing this

us, we still play with the 'elastic. We play to turn it into lamps that create an intimate, like the laundry.

C0000005 Memory Access Violation Tally



Can You Lighten Moles

story of a blind cord.

C 'was once an old rope that by dint of blinds go up and down One day he let himself go and died.

would have ended in a rubbish bin ... But no: it is 'reincarnated' into a lamp.

And there was light. Issues karma-creative.

Marin Bikes In Australia

Story of a pipe that no longer sucks a tube.

C 'was once a' vacuum cleaner used to keep everything inside . With his trunk, breathing crumbs of other junk ... the rest was just born to do this. One day, he began to cough. Cof, cof, cof, he could not knock anything.
Its owner did not take long to get rid of it and replace it with a younger.
We found her thrown out, not breathing. We tried to revive her and listen to his bit of history, so we found that the vacuum tube, had always dreamed of becoming a flower that blows the light beams.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Numb Left Arm Rapid Heartbeat


if it does not rain tomorrow, Mom
go to change the world
look at me, I've got the strength
think, today I held a megaphone
and played poker in the yard and cried
comrades, we must not give
and everyone looked at me
looked at me, Mom
calm, no casks
all regular
I cried, I said, in a megaphone
not like those who write books to make money
we do not mess with the assay
and we cry together
we must defend our rights
and then do not stop, Mom can not stop
if you want to do something to prepare me
cutlets as you like with me
then wake early tomorrow
that if it does not rain, I swear,
going to change the world