Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sonix Micro High Definition Earphones

during commercials. The revolutionary

ignite with the words if I could
worn stories of right and wrong
guards burn plan and you laugh
illusion of disillusion
But the house is already Christmas
heroes and we are intermittently
unplug it, believe me
off my patience But I'll wait for the new year
wait that they arrive with their damn catchy choruses
with their beautiful smiles
by prophets or accounting
with new promises to inject
the need to kill us slowly
during commercials
There's no time for excuses
dear friend and is not to distract you write
that if life throws you in the face
or deny
or breathe until the lungs kill
But the house is already Christmas
heroes and we are intermittently
unplug it, believe me
the feast of abundance
wait for the new year
wait that they arrive with their notebooks
only for ideas with acceptable
that their freedom instead of the wings has the alibi
with new items
need to inject
to kill us slowly
during commercials


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