Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Masterbate With Vaseline


the sea was a fire roaring waves
and infinite oxygen
enough to suffocate
then the wind whips up clouds
groaning and hands of my brothers
to indicate something

a voice suspended

said ...

what he said ...?

said ...

that land eventually
did not know it was not a desire
was a necessity and we have dust in the dust
to reflect in mirrors
of brown eyes, huge

a voice suspended


blossomed out of nowhere

so deep, deep ...

I looked down and saw my blood
was a moment or an eternity
and I was already in the dust dust
mirrors in those merciless
so similar to me

a voice suspended


will one day be

, Helluland

men shining
children of a disparaged god
and tear to your soil until the last seed
kill your people and your skin will
sin will be even more dust
then that, the only

vanish your rocks

a hallelujah

a hallelujah

vanish, Helluland


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