Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mega Streaming Doesn't Work

I know that the news has not recently ..

oh yes, dating back about a week ago .. but Lady writing shit in my previous post I was reminded .. I like to tell the form of comedy teatrale.L 'work is entitled:

"The stupid and asshole "

Men of 2011:" oh very nearly as they are extremely rich and I go to the apple store to buy the new Ipad2! "
after a while 'the man of 2011: "Oh, no, but there is a long line .. uhmmm ... but look,' that girl who is just ahead of everyone else .. uhmmm .. very nearly as are extremely rich and I can not wait (my private jet is waiting for me) I give you $ 900 and I ask you to yield me the place .. hey you, beautiful child! "
Women of 2011: "Oh and what you want!?" Men's
2011: "I want your place, if you give me I'll give you $ 900"
Women of 2011: "oh SISIS! So we bought tickets for the concert by Lady Poo!"
And so the man of 2011 costs $ 1600 for something that is worth $ 700 and that the woman of 2011 salary costs a month to pay for concert tickets lady shit.
It 's true that the best show in the world are the people .. and not even pay the ticket.
Obviously this is only a small and insipid performance as we do even worse .. of course .. but say that even if small and insipid captures well the essence of 'human being. A real chick
peccato.La initially could also be considered a true genius .. yes, I would say si.Analizzando his gesture could also think about a girl who, to earn some money by exploiting the stupidity of the people, it was alright on the night before patiently in front of the shop to wait for apple the idiot in office that did a bid for the post .. But pity that our darling then I fell on lady .. I know shit '.. could have done otherwise exploit the situation in another way. . and catch two birds with one stone .. demonstrate the stupidity of mankind and the money earned to do something good and useful .. how to help those who really need it .. .. but no way to give money to a billion of that already and they ha .. ha .. as if it is so things are, alas!

Ap Bio Lab On Respiration

ASILE .. my little flower lotooo .. I'll see you May 7th!

I know I sound like a mad woman .. even take away the "looks" and replace it with "I" .. but I just got a special gift .. tickets for the concert Elisaaaaaaaaaaa! Finally I will see my God and I I ask: I'll wait a month and a half? react when I see how live? how will feel when his sweet voice? my god, he'll be a few meters away from me ... I am no longer aaaaaaaaaaaaah SKIN!
help help! .. I feel like I'm regressing a fifteen of the new generation to which she is told she will soon see his favorite lady or Bill CULITZ Sniff hunting or Britney or some other of today's bimbominchia panorama musicale.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5.1 Receiver Hdmi Audio Processing

The Western diet.

what beautiful eyes, almond flavor with the salt we eat
toy factories
on the big screens and sacred temples

while corpses Strawberry
for cannibals heart of sugar
pretend of being alive in
picnic democracy

line question is, love, and dieticians
we require a bit 'of Africa breakfast
and a half liters of reality

complain to gymnastics
alms boundary
little better dressed and only

then during the holidays, dear,
you eat what you want
fry a bit too 'film
thaws and those windows

why are you still crying?
not see that you're better already?
it's all so genuine and you'll always be beautiful

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Goes Inside My Wedding Programs?

Mulholland tables? Want to customize your fan

Do you have old tables, cabinets, furniture, mirrors, you'd throw away,
but you're rather fond of and keep them in the basement?
Do not worry, do not buy new ones ... Portaceli, Improntart reinvents them to you!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Penyakit Cervic Polips

????..... make it unique?? contact us !!!!! A ROOM IN THE GARDEN

Friday, March 18, 2011

Michigan Novelty Drivers License

Sometime in August I was fighting my pain, fighting to win ..

..and now I am somewhere else
I came just to visit
and I don't think I stay
any a longer, any a longer..

Remove Smoke Smell From Pillows

'cause it never Began for us, it'll never end for us.

You are not an enemy anymore
There's a ray of light upon your face now
I can look into your eyes
And I never thought
It could be so simple
You can hear the music with no sounds
You can heal my heart without me knowing
I can cry in front of you
'cause you're not afraid to face my weakness

When we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain
When we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain

'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us
'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us

You're not my enemy anymore
There's a ray of light upon your face now
It will be all new again
There is something else
Just 'round the corner

So when we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain
When we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain

'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us
'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us

I was looking for a place to stay
Are you looking for a place to stay No it never

for us 'cause it never Began
for us It'll never end for us
' cause it never Began for us
It'll never end for us
'cause it never Began
for us It'll never end for us
' cause it never Began
for us It'll never end for us

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Long Does Blister Last In Herpes

and want to stay

in the looks of these children we go wrong
worlds and worlds, so many,
you never know you
stay there
to water your reasons
green and finished so well cared
to make you think that others are not worth
and walk every now
up what remains of the planet
bored near the postcards
you have already ruined the surprise
not understand why this poison
I still have poisoned
perhaps has happened and I have not noticed
or somehow not a true poison
and want to stay because I still believe that someone could believe
want to stay
because in your eyes here we go
worlds and worlds, so many that it's no
because they will find that you

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Little Pimple On Stomach
