Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mega Streaming Doesn't Work

I know that the news has not recently ..

oh yes, dating back about a week ago .. but Lady writing shit in my previous post I was reminded .. I like to tell the form of comedy teatrale.L 'work is entitled:

"The stupid and asshole "

Men of 2011:" oh very nearly as they are extremely rich and I go to the apple store to buy the new Ipad2! "
after a while 'the man of 2011: "Oh, no, but there is a long line .. uhmmm ... but look,' that girl who is just ahead of everyone else .. uhmmm .. very nearly as are extremely rich and I can not wait (my private jet is waiting for me) I give you $ 900 and I ask you to yield me the place .. hey you, beautiful child! "
Women of 2011: "Oh and what you want!?" Men's
2011: "I want your place, if you give me I'll give you $ 900"
Women of 2011: "oh SISIS! So we bought tickets for the concert by Lady Poo!"
And so the man of 2011 costs $ 1600 for something that is worth $ 700 and that the woman of 2011 salary costs a month to pay for concert tickets lady shit.
It 's true that the best show in the world are the people .. and not even pay the ticket.
Obviously this is only a small and insipid performance as we do even worse .. of course .. but say that even if small and insipid captures well the essence of 'human being. A real chick
peccato.La initially could also be considered a true genius .. yes, I would say si.Analizzando his gesture could also think about a girl who, to earn some money by exploiting the stupidity of the people, it was alright on the night before patiently in front of the shop to wait for apple the idiot in office that did a bid for the post .. But pity that our darling then I fell on lady .. I know shit '.. could have done otherwise exploit the situation in another way. . and catch two birds with one stone .. demonstrate the stupidity of mankind and the money earned to do something good and useful .. how to help those who really need it .. .. but no way to give money to a billion of that already and they ha .. ha .. as if it is so things are, alas!


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