Friday, October 15, 2010

White Floaties In Urine

What the hell!

Last night the same dream, strangely but with a different special. I'm at the station and I must catch a train. It 's all like a maze, a thousand thousand rooms and corridors and I do and as always I do not know why I do not know where to go, but I have to hurry. I move as if I knew perfectly take such corridors and rooms in which to enter and beside me there is always Divine. I know a shortcut, but you have to go through a door on which there is a giant billboard that says "no access". I look at him and ask advice, and of course I said not to cross the soglia.Mentre other dreams will always come back and give up, tonight I opened the door and entered .... and the train was waiting for me there. I get on the train, I sit down .. I look around and sola.LUI are no longer there.


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