Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mega Streaming Doesn't Work

I know that the news has not recently ..

oh yes, dating back about a week ago .. but Lady writing shit in my previous post I was reminded .. I like to tell the form of comedy teatrale.L 'work is entitled:

"The stupid and asshole "

Men of 2011:" oh very nearly as they are extremely rich and I go to the apple store to buy the new Ipad2! "
after a while 'the man of 2011: "Oh, no, but there is a long line .. uhmmm ... but look,' that girl who is just ahead of everyone else .. uhmmm .. very nearly as are extremely rich and I can not wait (my private jet is waiting for me) I give you $ 900 and I ask you to yield me the place .. hey you, beautiful child! "
Women of 2011: "Oh and what you want!?" Men's
2011: "I want your place, if you give me I'll give you $ 900"
Women of 2011: "oh SISIS! So we bought tickets for the concert by Lady Poo!"
And so the man of 2011 costs $ 1600 for something that is worth $ 700 and that the woman of 2011 salary costs a month to pay for concert tickets lady shit.
It 's true that the best show in the world are the people .. and not even pay the ticket.
Obviously this is only a small and insipid performance as we do even worse .. of course .. but say that even if small and insipid captures well the essence of 'human being. A real chick
peccato.La initially could also be considered a true genius .. yes, I would say si.Analizzando his gesture could also think about a girl who, to earn some money by exploiting the stupidity of the people, it was alright on the night before patiently in front of the shop to wait for apple the idiot in office that did a bid for the post .. But pity that our darling then I fell on lady .. I know shit '.. could have done otherwise exploit the situation in another way. . and catch two birds with one stone .. demonstrate the stupidity of mankind and the money earned to do something good and useful .. how to help those who really need it .. .. but no way to give money to a billion of that already and they ha .. ha .. as if it is so things are, alas!

Ap Bio Lab On Respiration

ASILE .. my little flower lotooo .. I'll see you May 7th!

I know I sound like a mad woman .. even take away the "looks" and replace it with "I" .. but I just got a special gift .. tickets for the concert Elisaaaaaaaaaaa! Finally I will see my God and I I ask: I'll wait a month and a half? react when I see how live? how will feel when his sweet voice? my god, he'll be a few meters away from me ... I am no longer aaaaaaaaaaaaah SKIN!
help help! .. I feel like I'm regressing a fifteen of the new generation to which she is told she will soon see his favorite lady or Bill CULITZ Sniff hunting or Britney or some other of today's bimbominchia panorama musicale.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5.1 Receiver Hdmi Audio Processing

The Western diet.

what beautiful eyes, almond flavor with the salt we eat
toy factories
on the big screens and sacred temples

while corpses Strawberry
for cannibals heart of sugar
pretend of being alive in
picnic democracy

line question is, love, and dieticians
we require a bit 'of Africa breakfast
and a half liters of reality

complain to gymnastics
alms boundary
little better dressed and only

then during the holidays, dear,
you eat what you want
fry a bit too 'film
thaws and those windows

why are you still crying?
not see that you're better already?
it's all so genuine and you'll always be beautiful

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Goes Inside My Wedding Programs?

Mulholland tables? Want to customize your fan

Do you have old tables, cabinets, furniture, mirrors, you'd throw away,
but you're rather fond of and keep them in the basement?
Do not worry, do not buy new ones ... Portaceli, Improntart reinvents them to you!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Penyakit Cervic Polips

????..... make it unique?? contact us !!!!! A ROOM IN THE GARDEN

Friday, March 18, 2011

Michigan Novelty Drivers License

Sometime in August I was fighting my pain, fighting to win ..

..and now I am somewhere else
I came just to visit
and I don't think I stay
any a longer, any a longer..

Remove Smoke Smell From Pillows

'cause it never Began for us, it'll never end for us.

You are not an enemy anymore
There's a ray of light upon your face now
I can look into your eyes
And I never thought
It could be so simple
You can hear the music with no sounds
You can heal my heart without me knowing
I can cry in front of you
'cause you're not afraid to face my weakness

When we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain
When we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain

'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us
'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us

You're not my enemy anymore
There's a ray of light upon your face now
It will be all new again
There is something else
Just 'round the corner

So when we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain
When we'll wake up
Some morning rain
Will wash away our pain

'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us
'cause it never began for us
It'll never end for us

I was looking for a place to stay
Are you looking for a place to stay No it never

for us 'cause it never Began
for us It'll never end for us
' cause it never Began for us
It'll never end for us
'cause it never Began
for us It'll never end for us
' cause it never Began
for us It'll never end for us

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Long Does Blister Last In Herpes

and want to stay

in the looks of these children we go wrong
worlds and worlds, so many,
you never know you
stay there
to water your reasons
green and finished so well cared
to make you think that others are not worth
and walk every now
up what remains of the planet
bored near the postcards
you have already ruined the surprise
not understand why this poison
I still have poisoned
perhaps has happened and I have not noticed
or somehow not a true poison
and want to stay because I still believe that someone could believe
want to stay
because in your eyes here we go
worlds and worlds, so many that it's no
because they will find that you

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Little Pimple On Stomach


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Speech For Anniversary Of Company By Guests

"How to be yourself without shutting others and how to open up to others without losing ourselves?"

Awesome Wrapping Paper

"Those who write about stuff that everyone knows but who can not even conoscere.Così, writers and readers, using the imagination, they warn As all men have in comune.La great literature does not speak of our ability to judge, but of our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of another. "OP

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ski Instructor In Killington

Hall of Monuments - Dragon's Lair

From an idea of \u200b\u200bthe old blog at MSN Spaces, back here again, the Hall of Monuments.
Fragments of past life, from then until now.
A nice way of letting go and freewheeling thoughts in the middle of the night, with the nostalgia that keeps me company.

In 1983, the arcades were filled with expensive cabinets, and we children watched stunned the game graphics, which we could never see on your home computer.
A home video game character was nothing but a series of cubes with sharp edges, even less realistic Lego; needed a lot of imagination to imagine the world in which he lived.
Perhaps the beauty was in this too.

Then game room did not mean only slot machines and gambling as it is today: a place to live was fantastic adventures.

In 1983 I was at sea, I walked into a playroom built in a huge warehouse in a pine forest, and saw for the first time a video game completely different from the others.
Before my child's eyes were gone a few cubes to represent a character, but a real cartoon.
A strong and fearless rider ran into a castle filled with danger, searching for his lady to save.
The commands were simple: up down left and right sword. But for every misstep
people died unceremoniously. There was no Internet where to find
driving with the exact sequence of moves: you could just watch them play more experienced players, hoping to learn something, to overcome an extra room.

Before my game so far: I put 200 pounds in the cab, I could not find the start button, I went and disconsolate.
watched silently from a distance a guy that went there for the event played my game, losing almost immediately.

for help I went to the landlord, a big man in an undershirt and slippers, and pity that helped me to press start, and also made me stand on a chair, one of those old bar with braided strips of colored plastic, because I was too low to reach the joystick. Lost
the game within a minute, without combining any good.

A few months later in a Rai afternoon program for children called "Bread and Jam", led by a young Fabrizio Frizzi, one of the tests in the study consisted of a challenge to those who made more points, just on that game.
Frizzi was the commentary live the adventure of the protagonist, which he had renamed "Baldassotto.
Each competitor was a bad end in a short time, I continued to dream of the adventures in the castle.

By the way, in the 80 afternoon children's programs on TV were like this and Bim Bum Bam. Today there are only supposed
current affairs programs for housewives, with models, dreams, the VIP party where no one can miss, mysterious murders of minors, firm asses just toned plastic surgeon, and a lot of other stuff from which I am happy to stay away thanks to the Internet, DVD and Sky.
All that stuff is great for forging voter perfect. Here

a rare piece of bread with jam.

Every now and then in the afternoon I picked up the joystick of my prehistoric Atari 130 XE, worse than even the Commodore 64, I closed my eyes and imagined every scene in the game, accompagnadole with the lever.
the way, that computer was always well packaged in its original box, because My mother did not want to see wires for the house and forced me every time I wanted to use to mount it from scratch on the kitchen table.

When I went to sea in Marina di Grosseto the cab of Dragon's Lair was a fine show of himself in the small game room at the Luna Park.
In the afternoon I do not play anyone.
The night was completely surrounded by people who went to see play the expert on duty, and as if it were a play ended it without missing a beat, and the written order would go away in ease, smiling, greeting without any of the spectators.

Years later there was the Amiga. A CVT
record, horrible graphics, pictures everywhere, but I played I anyway, thanks to the shop via degli Alfani, where as if nothing had copied from the floppy 3.5, complete with a tail off during peak hours.

Always at sea, mini golf, place the cab of Dragon's Lair 2.
Even we mere mortals could finally enjoy it, thanks to the flash on the screen suggesting the moves.
With a dear friend then spent a whole month, and lots of chips in an attempt to finish it, and never reach the ultimate level.

Years later still, to my surprise, I found the DVD version in a hypermarket in Prato, in one of the most important days of my life, important for reasons quite different from that.

In short, during the years I played Dragon's Lair in all possible versions, even iPhone.

Today came out on Playstation 3, and I bought it new.

once imagined him with only imagination, holding a joystick disconnected from the computer.
Now I have it on 50-inch plasma TV, high-resolution.

Before he died, perhaps wear a virtual helmet, or plug a futuristic cyberpunk neural plug directly implanted in the neck, and suddenly my body will change shape as an old man.
screen will not watch any more, this time in person, I'll look around for myself, and I'll be that young and fearless rider, which runs into the castle, in search of his lady.
For the last time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yardage Pro Riflescope Review

Psychiatry - DSM

Quick explanation on how the diagnostic manual of mental disorders.

Just to clarify the reasons for which are many, including myself, to not use it anymore. : P

Friday, February 11, 2011

Trader Joe's Dog Food


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Masterbate With Vaseline


the sea was a fire roaring waves
and infinite oxygen
enough to suffocate
then the wind whips up clouds
groaning and hands of my brothers
to indicate something

a voice suspended

said ...

what he said ...?

said ...

that land eventually
did not know it was not a desire
was a necessity and we have dust in the dust
to reflect in mirrors
of brown eyes, huge

a voice suspended


blossomed out of nowhere

so deep, deep ...

I looked down and saw my blood
was a moment or an eternity
and I was already in the dust dust
mirrors in those merciless
so similar to me

a voice suspended


will one day be

, Helluland

men shining
children of a disparaged god
and tear to your soil until the last seed
kill your people and your skin will
sin will be even more dust
then that, the only

vanish your rocks

a hallelujah

a hallelujah

vanish, Helluland

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Denise Milani Married

Blackfield - Welcome to my DNA - New Album

Soon coming the new album: D

Little bit here.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Online Project Management Software

Four duemilaundici February nineteen hours or so.

the light that goes off intermittently

my neighbor swears
is trying to read, damn the light , is making him definitely on purpose

the dark road that runs roughly
reminds everyone that it's winter

the distracted always remain the exception

two men howl of sex and politics and moral and political
I think in the end
one man is not the whole rotten
and marching on rotten mouths are the most gear

but then I am not the exception but I
often distracted

earning close my eyes a bit 'dark personal
comfortable studio for the soul

what answer you want if you ask me how I am?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why Do Alcoholics Have Big Bellys

Make it light.

thin air, indefinite
you drag, drag
glides on without hands on
not let sleeping dust
should open a window
not be afraid of ' absence of second
and make sure that nothing has a name
even nothing, not even anything
left open at night because they are
sweat and forests and expanses
eternal and claustrophobia
disease and Beauty in an instant
in a moment, drop by drop, eternity

enters slowly yesterday, and brisk
that you do not wake anyone, anyone you wake
is what you want, if you think you
duty and if you want that something, do it light

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best Way To Apply Powder Foundation

"The uncomfortable silences ... Why do we feel the need 'to chat a bitch, to feel at ease? It 's just so you know you've found someone really special, when you can shut the fuck up for a moment and share the silence in peace. "(Cited in Pulp Fiction)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mississippi License Template

E' now for a week a beautiful white dove lands on my window ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can You Remove A Uterus During A D&c

X-Raptor Gardaland complete track-2010.wmv

And here is the new 2011 Big Ben.

Let's see if it will be able to keep up with the Katun. : P

my part test in coming, we hope to have in April / May. ^ _ ^

Simulation of the track.

Destruct O Match Solver

05-12 Wonderland: MASTER THAI New

Ok, two family coaster lasting 3 minutes.

Since then 45 minutes do not touch the tail as in the case of the mammoth Big Ben ... I have already forecast in the subscription. : P

Can U Get Herpes On Your Back

Blackfield 2011 - Got the ticket, finally Italy!

who frequents this blog will have noticed that the Blackfield are one of my favorite bands ever.
side project of Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree, along with Aviv Geffen.

For me the best background possible during the night, I do not want De Andrè. : P

To their notes are now inextricably linked some of the best moments of my life, so overwhelming passed in the last three years, that I shall never forget.

Every time you blog a song here in the nostalgia salt, and keeps me company, better to be overwhelmed by strong emotions, even painful at times, rather than live a life that is always equal to itself, according to a script written by others.

Now the ticket for their next concert in Italy greets me from the shelf of the library, before going to bed. I will
hundreds of miles in a day just to see them, and the thought of what will happen that night I get the chills already.

Concert year? For me it already is.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Curved Red Lines On Sony Rear Projection Tv

No-Man - Wherever There Is Light

There are situations and moments where time stands still.
You enter into full contact with what we have around.
smells, tastes, feelings, everything stays in the mind, and will never abandon us more, every memory is so alive in every time there exactly where we were.

Here's a video that can communicate with images and music that it really means to travel and live certain moments, which will be ours forever.

Kingdom Hearts 2 Emulator Mac

"Premakes' Up! (1965)

What would have happened if Disney had made up in 1965 using and techniques of real actors?

Brilliant fake trailer that shows once again how the creativity of ordinary people can finally be appreciated as it deserves thanks to the Internet. ^ _ ^

How To Visualize A Black Hole

and since I do not find the words ..

I entrust myself to mie muse...

I’m a dot in the universe, i’m a mind
I’m the daughter of my mother and it feels fine
Somewhere in time somewhere in space
A constellation where i drew her face

I’m a dot in this universe
Running off the tracks
I’m a step from the edge but i’m an acrobat
Stretching my arms, stretching my faith
Walking a tightrope and still i feel safe

Well, i’ll find my way home, i’ll find my way
I’ll find my way home, i’ll find my way

I’m a dot in the universe, i’m alive
I’m a fast car aching to drive
I’m autumn turned leaves wind
Through the trees
First day of summer and still snow falling

I’m a dot in this universe,
I’m a heart breaking not able to play the part
I am just a leftover dream
But i’ll die a little so i’ll become real

Well, i’ll find my way home i’ll find my way
I’ll find my way home, i’ll find my way..
Hey hey hey oh....

A moment of you talking with your ey
The warmth of your hand
Holding on to mine
I’d be a fool to not realize
How lonely i’d feel without it
So i don’t want to lose love
If It Takes
If this whole world 'it takes my whole world

'm a dot in the universe, are a mind
am the daughter of my mother and everything seems okay

somewhere in time somewhere in space
there is a constellation where I drew his face

are a speck in the universe
tracks are a step away from the precipice but
lengthen my arms
stretch my faith *
walk a tightrope and I still feel safe

well, I will find a way back to my house
'll find my way, I'll find my way back
, find my way

are a speck in the universe, are living
are fast car that is hard to drive
are fall that the wind has blown
took away the leaves from the trees on the first day
d ' summer and the snow is still falling

are a speck in the universe have a heart that is broken and
that is unable to play his part
are just a dream yet to fulfill
die but some will become so real

well, I'll find my way back home to find my way
'll find my way back, find my way

a moment that you share with yours?
the warmth of your hand squeezing mine

I'd be a fool if I did not understand how I would feel lonely without
then I do not want to lose the love
rather lose this world
rather lose my world

Speech Samplefor Company Anniversary Party

Make it easy Make this easy It's not as heavy as It Seems

Weight Vest For Basketball

baker baker, make me whole again ..

Baker, baker, baking a cake, make me a day, make me whole again.
And I wonder what's in a day, what's in your cakes this time.
I guess you heard he's gone to LA. He says That I'm hiding behind my eyes. And he tells me I
HIM Pushed away, That my hearts Been hard to find.

Here. There must be something here. There must be something here... here...

Baker, baker, can you explain if truly his heart was made of icing.
And I wonder how mine could taste. Maybe we could change his mind.
I know you're late for your next parade. You came to make sure that I'm not running.
Well, I ran from him in all kinds of ways, guess it was his turn this time.

Time. Thought I'd made friends with time. Thought we'd be flying... maybe not this time.

Baker, baker, baking a cake, make me a day, make me whole again.
And I wonder if he's okay, if you see him say 'hi.'

Processing Fha Legit ?

I'm just comin 'out of the cell in my brain ..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anniversary Of Company Speech

the lips of the wind

filthy creeps among the roots are far
but the land does not lie
are tearing
everything is indifferent
flowers climb
groan, wilt
deafness in Estate
of shards and syringes are closer
says the raven sick
are closer and will have no mercy
The heart is an abyss
is the calm of the rock and whispers
something to the gods who did not
A litany blasphemous
The most atrocious prayer
tightening and then relies on the lips of the wind
Nymphs sordid
you grant to nothing
Their hands
lap swords
is time for war
the forest perish
leaves broken
prove the last dance
even though they know that no one observes them have already arrived
old crow cries
have already arrived
we escape
The heart is an abyss
is the calm of the stone
and whispers something to the gods who did not
A litany
The most horrible blasphemous prayer and then tightens
that relies
the lips of the wind

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Long Can A Person Live W Liver Failure?


broken sidewalk star
dreams locked in a spiral of mist that you breathe
at the foot of the great tree
do they breathe when singing hail
tires along the asphalt sky
your hands slaves to do their pieces
when they breathe
hail sings
do they breathe
the foot of the great tree

Friday, January 7, 2011

1980 Ski Doo Blizzard Fuel Pump

invisible tears
a woman who does not know from her eyes
seems she knows me
is a moment made of broken phrases
everyone turns
but I
the lighter in his hand
our shadows
asks me what I want
I wonder if they're really asking
everyone around me look at something I would look
nailed instead rest on his invisible tears
questions about his voiceless
I understand
look over to see those eyes
if we never met and where
where the wind is a moment made of broken phrases
rest inert
she disappears
this time nobody turns

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wall Sticker Murals Malaysia

The lighter the damned Days

E thus, little sister, you pretend to grow.
But we know - you know, the other as well, I think I began to understand - that we are damned.
Did you know some look more, other lips. It 'happened to me.
But you still doing those dreams. It's those damn dreams
the problem. Those who put you in front of who you are. Think you know what
means to climb? You do not know enough yet.
distributes the blame between you and the world, try not to cheat.
If you really do seem to play to lose.
And probably lose.
If you wised up, goes the logic of logic. That living like this does not necessarily win ... but it certainly increases the odds.
still remains in limbo? You know you can not afford it forever.
The fear that binds you by the wrists, the misery that it wears me out the memories ... these are things that make me think that we are damned, sis.
Sentenced to try not to be found to have a new desire to look, between fingers episodes such as guns, bullets being fired if that would at least be honest ... but do not want to be sincere and therefore will never disappear, they will be stretched in a gesture for all our days. And if a few hands will go down it will reach others.
You can survive, if desired, and the bottom is the least we should do.
But I want to tell you not to stop, take risks, to sweat for what you want, that is not free, it can not be ... and maybe even better.
The damned little sister are those that can not be satisfied.
The salvation is that we can always look back.
'll kill the day that I stop to do so.
If you decide to do it first.
The damned little sister are the ones that eventually kill each other.
It 's the price of everything that fucking love, often, indifference.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ol Dl Football Positions What Is

In our laboratory, we have came across two weights and two measures.
The intangible lightness of unstable tissue paper points out the fragility of the petals of a flower. The weight of the solid cast iron, the stability of a root.

Gianni Rodari wrote: "The everyday things tell secrets to those who can watch and listen ... to do whatever it takes fio-o-re"

; ; ; ;

fireflies love to play hide and seek among the flowers.