Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nz Nerf Guns For Sale


think that when we have fun
thirty years and we ask that we be great
Think how nice
while everything will melt
and we'll be there waiting to be Saturday night
think that irony
have the world at a pace and do not want to look
because it seems to have already seen how romantic will tell
Our children
the day when we met in chat
Balla my people
under bright lights
people screaming my voice without having to be fun
remember one day our
between keyboard and mouse
Then think how nice
without a pension
maybe old age will
But how much irony in going to sea all
to take a couple of photos with smiles
How romantic
will tell our children
all this garbage a day will be your
Balla my people
under bright lights
people screaming my voice without having


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